Saturday, June 11, 2016

Every Second of Every Thing

Experience is our best mentor. It is a guiding light that enlightens our whole being to be a better one. It gives a strong bond and builds rapport to the persons involve and most importantly, our experiences give color to our visions in life.  Who would have thought that everything would end to be such a success? Let’s take a flashback. Weeks before, I was so busy, we were so busy. The first thing we did was making our props. We spent many hours in doing such. We then took our shootings every places that suits the theme of the scene. We have to prepare our costumes so that we would look better in the camera and that we could portray exactly the character as exact as possible as it should be. We didn’t expect challenges and hindrances in making our video. We thought that it just a simple thing to that could be done easily but what we expected is the exact reverse for every scene and setting that we are into has it’s hidden meaning. Meanings that are beyond compare. Meanings that turned us into a person that we didn’t expect. 

We didn’t notice that day by day we are getting mature. We are able think better for we’ve done brainstorming. I ask ideas from my group mates on what things should we do and so glad that each one of us offered their cooperation. Our main journey starts at Barangay 5, Talakag, Bukidnon in the Yellow House, White House and in the forest. We had also that setting in the Municipal Hall. And our last stop is at Roan Beach Resort. Here, unexpected moments takes place. We to stable our minds that we are far from home.
 We have to take care of ourselves and we have to be responsible of our actions. Cooperation with one another took over. We thought that we won’t make it because the first thing that make us weak is the boat. We have a hard time just to rent a boat used in our movie because our time using the boat is limited. We have to maximize our time to the best of our ability. As what we’ve expected we failed our expectations that we would finish the shootings for one day. In fact, it extended to one day because every scene took several hours to finish. The next morning, we woke up early to take those scenes that we weren’t able to perform the day before gladly, we finished our shooting at the beach on that morning. We decided to go home. We then had a stop over at Macahambus cave for our last shooting. We were so enjoyed. We were so happy that time. 

Every second of every thing with my group mates seems so irreplaceable. It is an irreplaceable treasure that isn’t exchangeable by a ton of gold or any other treasures. We’re done with our shooting but the pressure had just started. The video making had just started. We still have to give our time and efforts in making such. The video making is so critical, we have to have patience especially in trimming and cutting the videos. The insertion of the sound effects is the hardest part for me because we have to repeat playing the video to know that the sound effects suits the movie setting. We must have the timing because if the timing of the sound effects goes wrong it will affect the whole production of the movie.
There are times that we’re about to give up. We already have lost that we will finish the movie but I’m so thankful that I have my group mates that are very optimistic. We strive the hardest effort in making such movie productions. With all those hindrances we’ve shared to each other, at last we’ve done editing the video, but sad to say there were sound effects and narration that weren’t inserted because some of our file corrupted. I want to cry because it’s very hard for our part that in just one glance some of our files had corrupted that made our  efforts useless. Gladly, we thought of a remedy until we finished our movie with all our hearts and our souls!


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