Monday, June 13, 2016

A Day Late and a Dollar Short Movie Reflection

            Family is the basic unit of society. Our family is the most important treasure given by God. Family can also be our weakness as what the movie a Day Late and A Dollar Short depicts. It is a family relationship that is based on reality. So as a viewer, I am very much touched on how the main character (Viola) manages her family. Challenges may push us to be weaker and weaker, challenges may pull us down but as long as we stay optimistic amidst of the problems and hindrances we will absolutely survive. It’s hard pretending to be okay especially to family matters. It seems that our whole being will be affected, our emotions, physical and also affects our mentality.
            How can we stay positive in amidst of these problems? Let’s just close our eyes and pray to God that everything would become okay. I have experienced a lot when it comes to family. I had lost my father, we’ve go through nothing but amidst of these is a smile on my face because I know that life is getting tougher and tougher day by day and I/ we have to be strong day by day. In my case, my family is my life. I’m striving hard for them to give them a brighter future. They are one of my everything. There are really instances that we have a disagreement with our family but one thing is for sure, after the rain, there is that sunshine that gives light to a new beginning. Life has many things to offer. Sadness, happiness, experiences, name everything. That is life. As I was watching the movie there were questions built in my mind. What is my purpose living in this world? Am I just a nobody? Or I have a mission that should be fulfilled? I’m sick of questioning about life because at the end of the day I know that these questions will remain as questions. Questions that keeps on bothering me day by day. Yes, life is cruel but it also offered us the happiness that gives us the satisfaction that we long.
            My family is my life. Because of my family, I could feel the essence of life. Let’s take a review to the main character, she knew that if she will be attacked by asthma, she will die. But before she would leave the world, she has her mission. It is again to reunite her family. She wanted that when she dies, everybody is in good terms and everyone is in good condition. By this summary alone, it has been showed that family couldn’t be replaced by anything. Family is where our lives evolve.
                                                                                                            -JULIET  A. ORIGENES

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