Tuesday, January 17, 2017

I hate YOU, I love YOU!

One year? Two years? Ugh! Three years I guess. Yes! Three years had passed. The more I see him, the more I got into him. The more I see him, the more I fell for him. Once, I was convinced that my feelings were all gone but wait, what is this again? I'm so sick and tired of this feeling. I'm so sick of evaluating things. I'd prefer to solve a hundred pages of Math problems than to evaluate this damn feeling. It bothers me a lot and it ruins my mood as well.  

I got jealous whenever he treat someone so special. Yes, this time he had a crush on someone close to me. Someone I know. The girl I'm referring to is one of those friends that I could treat as special. I like that girl as who she is. I can't even blame her because she hasn't done wrong. I'm jealous towards that girl. I'm hurt frankly. Baaaaayyyyyy! sakit kaayo bai :'(  😢 I wanna slap the guy for hurting me. I want to confront him and tell him that I'm jealous but what can I do? He doesn't even know that I'm madly, crazily, damn hurt. He liked me once. Once, once, once. Once will always be once but seriously, I wanna take that once again. Could you spare me that "once again'?Ugh! Impossible, I guess. I wanna say that I like him, that from those three years of his existence in my mind he made me inspired. Thank you. There maybe times that I hate but most of the times I had loved you.You may not know who you are but the thing is, I like you as much as I do. 

These words are better to be left unspoken. It'd better to be left unsaid because I may one step closer to you yet you are two steps away from me.  I hate this damn feeling!

I hate this. I hate myself. I hate myself so much. I don't know anymore. It's just that I hate it! 😢 

-January 17, 2017 9:49 PM

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