Sunday, October 9, 2016

Baruch HaShem!


            We are identified through our individuality and our name as well. Our name plays a very important role in our lives. We are recognize and made known to other people through it. We use our name for our identity as well as in making treaty with somebody. A treaty cannot be treaty if there is no mutual understanding by both parties and a treaty is not valid without the names of both parties who do the treaty. In making treaty, we are using our name in signing to make the mutual understanding valid throughout the time.
            If peoples all around the world have names based on what culture, race, belief, etc. they have then how about our Creator? Did he have a Name? He made a covenant with the earth. (Gen. 9:13) Did he used his name in making the covenant? Anyway, what is his name? Is it Lord? God? Let’s see and find out.
            As we read the ‘Preface’ of some bible, we’ve come to notice something yet we choose to ignore it or we haven’t read the preface. Now let us read it. “Following an ancient tradition, begun by the first translation of the Hebrew Scripture into Greek and followed by vast majority of English translations, the distinctive Hebrew Name for God which is YHWH (יהוה) is in this translation reprepresented by ‘LORD’. When Adonai, normally translated ‘LORD’, is followed by YHWH, the combination is rendered by the phrase ‘Sovereign LORD’. (Philippine Bible Society, Good News Bible)
            The Scripture is not a westernized translation. But it is a Hebrew Scripture. The original manuscript of the Scripture is from the Hebrew Scrolls written by Hebrew people. We have to know that the chosen people of YHWH are the Hebrew. They wrote the Scripture, they use their own language in writing it. Now let us focus on the original language used by The Creator when writing the Scripture. Set aside the modern translations, whether in English, Cebuano, Tagalog, etc. because the writers of the original Scripture is neither English nor Filipino.
            The name of our Creator is represented as the Tetragrammaton, the YHWH in English while י(Yud) ה(Hey) ו(Waw) ה(Hey) in original Hebrew language. The sound of letter Yud are y, ee; letter Hey are h, ah; and the letter Waw are w, o, u. So the Name YHWH sounds like Y-AH-OO-AH. Just like the word HalleluYaH. It is a Hebrew word which means Hallel is praise and YaH the short form of YaHUaH which literally means Praise YaHUaH.
            It is very important for us to know His original name because YaHUaH prohibited us to use his Name in vain. The Third Commandment strictly forbids taking the name of יהוה YAHUAH, in vain. And it is also written, “It will happen that whoever will call on YaHUaH’s name shall be saved.” Joel 2:32
            YaHU (יהו) – Family Name
            HUaH (הוה) – to be, become, exist, happen
            YaHUaH (יהוה) – Father Almighty
            YaHUSHA – The son of YaHUaH
            Yashayahu – Isaiah
            Yaramyahu – Jeremiah
                Zakaryahu – Zachariah
            Yahuda – Judah
            Yahuchanan – John
            Yahudym – Jews
            Mattityahu – Matthew, etc.
            So, by his name, YaHUaH wherein we have made our covenant. As it is written, “Speak to the children of Israel, saying, ‘Most certainly you shall keep my Sabbaths; for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I am YaHUaH who sanctifies you.” Ex. 31:13

            The Father YaHUaH promised us of our savior, who will be our salvation. “And there is salvation in no other man, for neither is there any other name under Heaven having been given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12 It is also written, “I have come in my Father’s name, and you don’t receive me. If another comes in his own name, you will receive him.” Yahuchanan 5:43

            The Messiah said that he came in his Father’s name, so do you think it is "Jesus"???
            Anyone who knows Scripture, will KNOW that our Messiah (just like all our forefathers) were born as a Hebrew, NOT a Greek, yet the [counterfeit] Name of Messiah, found in modern-day bibles is poorly translated from a Greek pagan name!
The letter “J” is less than 500 years old in English (see Webster’s Dictionary). The letter “J” still does not exist in Hebrew or Greek.
“Jesus” never occurs in The Original Scriptures. The first 4 editions of The King James "Bible" (1599-1627) carried the Catholic Vulgate “Iesous or Iesus.” In around 1650, “Iesus” was changed in the KJV to “Je-sus.”  Pronounced as Yaysoos.

It’s not Jesus, it is YaHUSHA. SHA is the primary root of the Hebrew word Yasha which means to make Free, Deliverer or Savior. When one takes the word YaHU יהו and combines it with SHA שע, we have YaHUSHA (יהו שע) SAVIOR DELIVERER.

YaSHA – Deliverance, Salvation
YaSHAYaHU(Isaiah) – Salvation of Yah
YaHUaH + YaSHA = YaHUSHA(YaHUaH is Salvation)

His Name is YAHUSHA Ha'Mashyach.

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