Saturday, December 12, 2015

Crazy Love

Crazy love
         Many people change because of love. People change if they meet the person special to them. But sometimes they hide it, because they are afraid if their feelings will be ignore by the person they love. And I am one of them when I meet the girl in my dream my life becomes colorful she gives me strength every time I can see her and always motivated to go to school every day because I know if I will be going to school I can see her. I am very fun of her adorable smile and also her beautiful face every time I can see those things my day becomes complete. But we all know that love is like weather you can’t predict it, and also love is painful than can kill you emotionally, because if you love you can’t expect that she will be love you back that is the reality of love, I can say that, because it happen to me many times, but I didn’t regrets the things that I did because that is reason why I can still smile like an angel.
       Entering to love is like entering war, because if you love don’t expect that you are the only one who love that person. You might didn’t know that thousands of people loves her and all you need to do is show to her how you love her in order to win to her heart. But it does not like to easy because love is unfair even though you give all the efforts, if the girl didn’t love you whatever you do is effortless because she will never love you.
       I already accept the fact that the girl I love didn’t love me, but even though my situation is like that I didn’t stop loving her. Because there are things that hard to explain and all we need to do is to follow our feelings that make us happy. Because not all the word surrender makes us defeated sometimes it is symbolize how brave we are to see the girl we love to others…ikaw nay bahala ug sabot …

                                                                                         MR. NOBODY

----the first composition sent to me by a stranger.. hahaha pinaka joker ni bay :)

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