Monday, October 19, 2015


It was Saturday, August 1, 2015 when the courses Bachelor in Elementary Education and Bachelor in Public Administration work as one to clean up Talakag Central Elementary School's front area. Our instructor, Ms. Charlyn T. Boctot headed us and divided us into groups. Each group is assigned to clean a specific area. We started cleaning at around 7:00 o'clock in the morning. The two degrees participated in cleaning. Using materials such as bolo, dust pan, grass cutter, sack and stick broom made the clean-up possible. We also planted several kinds of plants and cultivated the soil so that the plants we planted will grow healthy.
            These also would make the school more attractive to its sight.  We don’t care about te sunlight that strikes to our skin. What is in our mind is to finish our tasks. Until the garbage truck came on its way and collected the garbage we gathered. We were not much that affected to the sunlight because also we wore appropriate kind of clothes such as jackets and hats. We could really felt that we were being sweaty but we don’t care that much. Everyone is very busy cleaning with their areas. I could sense somewhat like a unity between the two degree because they were helping one another in making TCES’ front area refreshing to our sight.
            After cultivating the soil, we also used rocks as a design. We arranged several numbers of small rocks in the area and then planted the flowers that we gathered from our houses. Then the time came that everything was done I could really see the difference from the point that we still didn’t start cleaning. There was also a refreshment.
It was around 11:oo A.M. when we finished the beautification. After such activity, we felt very relieved and also successful that we had help our school. Even though it was a part of our subject, we’ve done it not because we are just forced to but because we want to.

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