Tuesday, October 27, 2015


It was Saturday, September 19, 2015, as the sun rises to the west and before it shines into my face, I already prepared the things we needed for our trip. It was 6:00 when I ate my breakfast and after I took a bath then decided to go to our meeting place. As the motorcycle traveled its way I was a bit excited knowing what would be the outcome of this exciting day. It was quarter to 7 o’clock when I arrived at BSU-TEC. My classmates were already there with smiles in their faces. I can feel the atmosphere of excitement during that time. We rode a jeepney and it was 7:30 A.M. when we start our journey.
            As we were inside the jeepney, we were being noisy. Laughters because of jokes dominated inside the jeepney. We are being excited. I was about to sleep but then, I couldn’t because it seemed that my friends were on its maximum level of energy. They seemed to be very energetic. We were shouting and screaming. We didn’t notice the time and it was around 8:00 A.M. upon arriving Xavier Estates Sports Club, I was definitely excited. As I stepped into the sports Club I could feel the friendly and refreshing atmosphere. We roamed around to their club. We’ve seen furniture with the different designs. We also went to their restaurant and swimming area. The pool was very big slides with slides. After roaming around we then finally decided to the Bowling Area. There, we also saw a billiard and act that we know how to play with it. The place is air conditioned and would give the players a refreshment as they will play inside the Sports Club. I then noticed the bowling ball. I thought that it was just very light but then I was wrong because It was very heavy weighing 6-7 kilos. I then wore a bowling shoes and got ready for it was already playing time. On my first attempt, it was not that bad because I scored 5 which is for me a success because I was just a beginner. I played and played for how many attempts. Even though I already felt tired I still play. I was very enjoyed during that time.
I went to the comfort room and change my clothes because it was wet due to my sweat. It was exactly 10:45 in the morning when we decided to leave the Sports Club and start a new tour. We ended up there with smiles on our faces. It was around 11 in the morning when we arrived at Museo de Oro. We had been oriented by the "does and don'ts as we were inside the museum. We had been divided into 2 groups due to our population and so that we wouldn't be crowded. There were three stations. One is the Ethnics of Mindanao so as the Founder of the Museum.

It was quarter to 12 when we leave the museum. It was very interesting and it also gave me knowledge about Mindanao. After our tour since we were very hungry we then decided to take our lunch and after that we went to SM Mall. It was around 1:30 in the afternoon when we start our destination going to SM. We roamed around the mall and enjoyed every moment staying there. I bought foods and books. We are so busy zooming around. We ended our stay in the mall around 3:00 and after that we rode again a jeepney going home. I arrived home at 4:00 and thank God that we were safe and sound. It was really a day very well spent. A day that is very memorable. The pictures that we took during our trip just proved how happy I was during that day. That was indeed a very memorable day to be treasured.