Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Just'Sayin T.T (It will just End up There)

Here I am again. sharing non sense things about being an Unknown Nobody. HAHAHA :) actually I just wanted to express this freak feelings! Honestly I had shared this to one of my closest friend. I have this which will I call close friend, which we've known each other through texting. HAHAHA sounds eeeewy right? But its true. We have done cheeeekas about Me and about Him and most all the time we are just chitchatting about non sense things that surely would made us laugh. Let just call this boy as Mr. F or just Mr. Friend. HAHAHA. Frankly speaking Mr. F has a girlfriend and I know that he love this girl so much through his GM's and the way he exerted effort to her. How did I know? HAHAHA Of course he told me and I can feel it (Instincts) . But the problem is Mr. F and his girl has somewhat what we call this misunderstanding and sad to say they end up their relationship. As a friend I want to cheer him up for what had happened because I knew it hurt so much. YES! I like him, Definitely, but that will end up there and I am afraid that someday when we will see each other and the feelings would grow, I'm afraid. I'M AFRAID TO BE HURT BY HIM :'( from now on,  I won't be expecting anything from Him for Expectations are the root of all HEARTACHES and kung buang lang gyud bitaw ko nga Bae, Na Fall nako. Kay maka FALL gyud uyyyy. :/ Unsaon nalang ! Friends lang gyud guro mi taman ani :( ug kabalo ko na by the end of the day, Its just me that has been hurt and will be hurt. PASAKIT UYYY!  Samoooook-_- TT__TT

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