Sunday, December 28, 2014


I don't consider my past relationships as real ones, they are just what we call churva kind of love or what majority of  people mostly acknowledge is that freaking thing that they call  puppy love. Getting hurt is part of life, I've tried to experience these things that really made me a better person and changed me to become the best of what I could express and what I could show. It's just that it's part of life. you just need to play with or what they call sabay sabay ba, para chada. HAHAHAH See? I'm getting Praning. Being infatuated is not Easy. Chaaar.. HAHAHA you feel that you are inlove even though it is still in the Level 1. HAHAHAH Lahi ra gyud uy :') Bitaw I consider my self as NO BOYFRIEND SINCE BIRTH bisa'g naana na gyud peru ambot wa man naku to gipang seryoso^^ kaya NBSB lang gyapun. HAHAHAAH and if ever that there will be a time that I will be committing a relationship I want that person to be my last :). Still praying to God for this right person and I CAN WAIT UNTIL FOREVER. YES! FOREVER <3

The Eff with this Feeling !

Gaaaaahd! I just don't know what I feel right now. makaulit thisss uy! am I getting insane or I'm just being dumb. Haaaaaay :'( Just expressing this freaking feelings! X.X